Santander & AdSmartanemptytextlline
PrimeLocation & AdSmartanemptytextlline
Your Move and AdSmartanemptytextlline
McLaren Automotive and AdSmartanemptytextlline
Maplin and AdSmartanemptytextlline
match.com is one of the UK’s best known online, subscription based dating and relationships service.
AdSmart enabled match.com to focus their activity on single occupancy households and homesharers. Targeting of this nature provided increased audience efficiency by excluding family households and couples living together as married
match.com used pre-existing TV creative, communicating brand benefits.
The campaign ran from the 1st to 30th November 2014.
The AdSmart campaign was hugely successful in driving incremental registrations across the campaign period:
match.com supplied AdSmart with registration data post campaign. This information and results gained through Sky’s Analytics meant the following results were found:
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