NOW : Pensions

Using AdSmart to broadcast their first ever TV campaign

NOW : Pensions


NOW : Pensions has chosen AdSmart to broadcast its first ever TV campaign which aired on the 1st of September in the Meridian region targeting small business owners. The advert features television presenter and reality TV star Stacey Solomon and aims to raise awareness and demystify the complex nature of auto-enrolment.


Campaign Objectives

NOW : Pensions wanted to reach small business owners and direct them to their website for a simpler workplace pension solution.


Jamila Firfire, Marketing Manager at NOW : Pensions commented,

‘NOW: Pensions is in a time sensitive market as deadlines for companies to comply with auto-enrolment legislation pass each month. As each month passes there are fewer companies that still need to select their auto-enrolment provider so market share is key.

AdSmart activity delivered over 200K impressions throughout September to the households of company owners with less than 50 employees living in the Meridian region.

We found that the quality of the traffic from the meridian region was much higher than the national average. We saw an immediate impact on the performance of the region versus the UK as a whole.

We saw 61% more sign-ups in September vs August which was great – 32% above the national average growth. Net lead growth was up 18%. Given the positive results we are now live with a second campaign’

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